New Features

  • Added “Semi-annual” as a task frequency option.
  • Introduced the ability to filter for items that don’t have a label.

UI Improvements

  • Resolved the issue where the task icon had a weird black background.
  • Improved cursor behavior: now shows an edit cursor when hovering over editable elements.
  • Numbers now fit better into their assigned boxes on the Overview page.
  • Made the “Chapter name” in the Requirement details view clickable, leading to a correspondingly filtered requirements list.

Fixes and Enhancements

  • Removed the required red dot from risk impact and probability, as the values for both can be zero. This visual cue is no longer necessary.
  • The label search now uses the same algorithm for filtering as other filters.
  • Fixed the sorting of connected tasks.
  • Updated the default sorting of tasks under Controls (and all objects in the future) to:
    1. Primarily based on status (to do first, done second).
    2. Secondarily, “to do” tasks are sorted ascending and “done” tasks are sorted descending.
  • Addressed the apparent slowness issue when adding connections to Requirements.

